8 Accurate Ways To Make Money Fast Without The Need For Side Work

 Looking for a way to make money without side jobs? In the era of rapid technological development, now you can easily find additional income.

In fact, there are many ways to make 500rb a day to millions, without side jobs. The work system does not require much time. One of the main conditions is not to stutter aka stutter technology.

Smartphones must be owned with a qualified Internet quota. In addition, you must have and be able to ride your own vehicle. Either it's a motorcycle or a car.

Take paid surveys

Many paid surveys are provided by a number of sites, and this can be an effective way to make money. The payment is not in rupiah anymore, but in dollars. At YouGov Indonesia, for example. We can register and fill out surveys to get points that can be exchanged for Singapore dollars.

Once registered, every month there will be a notification that there is a survey that must be filled out. Unfortunately, the number of these surveys cannot be predicted because it depends on YouGov as the data provider. But in general there are 1-2 surveys per day.

From one survey which lasts an average of 15 minutes, the maximum points that can be obtained are 400. Points can only be exchanged when they have reached a minimum of 5,000. For every 5,000 points can be exchanged for Sin $ 25 which is transferred to a PayPal account.

Dengan asumsi tiap hari mendapat 2 kali kesempatan survei dan 400 poin, berarti sebulan bisa mengumpulkan (400 x 2) x 30 hari = 2.400 poin. Harus menunggu bulan depan untuk mencairkan poin, dengan catatan survei yang tersedia lebih banyak, sehingga bisa tembus 5.000 poin.

Dalam hal ini kita pakai asumsi paling aman, yakni 5.000 poin per dua bulan. Maka, perkiraan pendapatan penghasilannya adalah Sin$ 12,5 per bulan. Tergantung kurs, nominalnya bila dirupiahkan sekitar Rp124 ribu.

Penghasilan ini cuma diperoleh dari satu situs survei. Ada setidaknya lima situs lain yang memberikan imbalan serupa dari mengisi survei. Di antaranya ViewFruit dan Opinion World. Misalnya ikut di lima situs dengan pendapatan disamakan Rp120 ribu.  Berarti ada tambahan Rp 120 ribu x 5 = Rp600.000 per bulan.

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